This area focuses on the analysis of the phonological structure of Czech within the frameworks of autosegmental phonology (Government Phonology, Strict CV, Element Theory). The research primarily targets the following phenomena: vowel length, alternation of vowels with zero, and syllabic consonants.
- doc. Mgr. Markéta Ziková, Ph.D.
- Mgr. Anna Poĺomská
- Behavior of clitics in Czech and Slovenian, GA ČR (GF23-04856K), 2023–2026
- Vývoj slabičných sonor v češině, GA ČR (GA23-04719S), 2023–2025
- Morfonologie češtiny: alternace vokalické délky, GA ČR (GA14-04215S), 2014–2016
- Scheer, Tobias & Ziková, Markéta. 2017. Branching onsets in Old Czech. In O. Mueller-Reichau & M. Guhl (eds.), Aspects of Slavic Linguistics: Formal Grammar, Lexicon and Communication. Berlin: De Gruyter. 285–309.
- Ziková, Markéta. 2016. When Prosody Follows Syntax: Verbal Stems in Czech. Linguistica Brunensia 64 (1). 163–185.
- Ziková, Markéta. 2015. Morfonologické alternace v současné češtině. In O. Uličný et al. (eds.), Preliminária k moderní mluvnici češtiny. Olomouc: Univerzita Palackého. 197–222.
- Ziková, Markéta. 2014. Úvod do slabičné typologie. Brno: Masarykova univerzita.
- Ziková, Markéta. 2013. Not All Zeros Are the Same: Phonology of Zero Case Markers in Czech. In A. Podobryaev (ed.), Formal Approaches to Slavic Linguistics. The Second MIT Meeting 2011. Ann Arbor: Michigan Slavic Publications. 305–319.
- Ziková, Markéta. 2012. Lexical Prefixes and Templatic Domains: Prefix Lengthening in Czech. In M. Ziková & M. Dočekal (eds.), Slavic Languages in Formal Grammar. Proceedings of FDSL 8.5, Brno 2010. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang. 325–338.