PhD Students in Brașov

2 Aug 2024

Salut from Brașov! Summer and vacation are in full swing, but we decided to spend at least part of it at the Eastern Generative Grammar (EGG) summer school. Here, young linguists from all over the world can gain knowledge in areas of generative grammar, such as syntax, semantics, and phonology.

This year, the school is taking place in Brașov, Romania. Although the journey from Brno to Brașov was a bit of an adventure, it was definitely worth it. For two whole weeks, we had lectures on various subjects, led by speakers such as Tobias Scheer, Magdalena Lohninger, or Berit Gehrke. The lessons were often challenging, but we definitely recommend EGG to everyone.

The two weeks weren’t just about studying, though. We tried the local cuisine and found out that they really know how to prepare sushi or pasta in Romania. When we felt like exploring nature, we visited the Brașov zoo or the Dino Park in Râșnov, the largest dinosaur park in Southeastern Europe. And when we couldn't stand the heat over the weekend, we cooled off at a water park.

Even though these two weeks were far from a peaceful summer, we don't regret a single minute spent here.

Anna, Daniel & Lukáš

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